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Haynesville Price and Fundamentals
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Haynesville Price and Fundamentals

Commodity Markets / Oil & Gas 

Manage Your Oil & Gas Commodity Price Risk

Price fluctuations in volatile oil & gas markets directly affect your cash flow–these can be managed through physical commercial strategies and financial hedges. Common hedgeable oil & gas products: Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Isobutane, and Pentane. 

Oil & Gas Business Profit Protection through Financial Hedging and Physical Profit

Helping energy producers, consumers, and
investors protect their cash flow and returns.

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Dive Deeper: Crude Oil & Natural Gas

Explore in-depth insights including pricing trends, detailed market summaries, and more. 

Several factors influence crude oil prices

Crude Oil

Natural gas Market factors include the supply and demand balance, such as export demand and storage levels

Natural Gas


Oil & Gas Physical Marketing

Get revenue visibility by well, ensure revenues match contracts, and leverage experienced resources to get the best price for your molecules.

See oil & gas services




Execute your hedge strategy with software and protect your oil and gas profits

Your energy risk management approach is working. Our Saas software makes it (and your life) a lot easier. 

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From market insights to hedge strategy, our market research team and in-house traders are there to enhance decision-making and support your operations with deep expertise.

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Research team and in house traders to execute your trades efficiently


Your Natural Gas Statements. Captured with AI.

February 27th  |  2 pm CT
Interested in having complete visibility into your volumes, revenue and fees? See how we capture, normalize and view statement data in seconds.

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Hosted By:

Max Gagliardi

Chief Commercial Officer,
AEGIS Physical

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