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Last Look - Oil settles higher despite fears of slower global growth
Latest Insight
Last Look - Oil settles higher despite fears of slower global growth

Your Statements. Captured with AI.

Capturing revenue each month is harder than it should be. Gas settlement statements, gathering invoices, WASPs, cash-in/cash-out statements, and more make for significant work and the potential for error. Leverage AI agents and machine learning to capture and normalize your volumes, revenue, fees, and other critical information - on one easy-to-use dashboard.

Your Statements. Captured with AI.

Capturing revenue each month is harder than it should be. Gas settlement statements, gathering invoices, WASPs, cash-in/cash-out statements, and more make for significant work and the potential for error. Leverage AI agents and machine learning to capture and normalize your volumes, revenue, fees, and other critical information–on one easy-to-use dashboard.

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Revenue Capture Dashboard

Our Impact



Fees & Taxes Captured


Mcf/d Peak Month on the Platform


Gas Statements Captured


Residue & NGL Value Captured

Our Key Features

POP Statements

Statement Capture

Utilizing proprietary AI agents and machine learning, we ingest, normalize and trend dense statement data from your processors and midstream partners.

Statement ReconciliationStatement Reconciliation

Did you receive all of your meter statements? We reconcile missing and new meters directly in the platform, display monthly trends, and uncover when data is missing. 

Trending timelines
Trending Timelines

 Easily understand trends over time across revenue, cost and key metrics. Visualize how key metrics interact within revenue, shrink and yield, gas quality, and other factors.

revenue dashboard
Revenue Dashboard

We consolidate all revenue information into a single dashboard, allowing you to view your sales, netbacks, fees, and more – with filtering and comparing by counterparty, month, contract, and meter.

Our Key Features

POP Statements

Statement Capture

Utilizing proprietary AI agents and machine learning, we ingest, normalize and trend dense statement data from your processors and midstream partners.


Statement Reconciliation

Statement Reconciliation

Did you receive all of your meter statements? We reconcile missing and new meters directly in the platform, display monthly trends, and uncover when data is missing. 


Meter-to-contract mapping

Trending Timelines

Easily understand trends over time across revenue, cost and key metrics. Visualize how key metrics interact within revenue, shrink and yield, gas quality, and other factors.


revenue dashboard

Revenue Dashboard

We consolidate all revenue information into a single dashboard, allowing you to view your sales, netbacks, fees, and more – with filtering and comparing by counterparty, month, contract, and meter.


Types of Statements Supported

Managing diverse statement and contract formats can be overwhelming, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Our platform seamlessly stores all documents – statements, contracts, and more – while extracting the data into a single source of truth. This eliminates manual work, enhances accuracy, and provides real-time insights into your revenue, fees and product components.

We support gas settlement statements such as: POP statements, gas purchase statements, plant statements, dry gas statements, gathering statements, processing statements, transportation statements and crude oil statements.



Your Natural Gas Statements.
Captured With AI.

Interested in having complete visibility into your volumes, revenue and fees. See how we capture, normalize and view statement data in seconds.

Show Me


"I got asked for an NGL yield trend report. It used to take multiple people weeks to pull it together. Your platform did it automatically. Unreal."

Marketer, Private Oil & Gas Producer

Real-time access to your data via AEGIS APIs

Our technology was built to connect. Your data can be automatically exported or integrated into your systems, models, and business intelligence tools via easy-to-use APIs - giving you endless flexibility to streamline your financial routines. 


Our Commitment to You:


Our Commitment at AEGIS
Full revenue detail.
Every month.
Our Commitment at AEGIS
Unmatched insight. Every day.
Our Commitment at AEGIS
Revenue and fee trends.
Our Commitment at AEGIS
Time savings. Guaranteed.



"We have been trying to build this for years. You all are the first to figure it out." 

Marketer, Public Oil & Gas Producer

Success Story

Oil and gas revenue capture through technology

Public Oil & Gas Producer Increases Visibility to Actual Revenue and Costs

Read Their Story

A leading energy firm, actively engaged in acquisitionsEliminating Assumptions: The New Standard in Energy Acquisitions

Read Their Story

Tired of spending so much time organizing and extracting information from those statements?

Talk to our Team



Can you support the area(s) I produce in? 


We have been able to support every customer who has requested the service, covering all major basins. 

How do I know if you support the processor/midstream counterparty(ies) I work with?


This is not a barrier. We currently work with 75 different processors and counterparties and have a rapid process to add new ones.


Who inputs the statements?


Data can be imported in several ways. Quickly upload statements using drag-and-drop functionality or put an agency agreement in place between AEGIS and your purchaser to allow us to receive and process statements automatically each month.


How does AEGIS use AI to process my statement data?


We use state-of-the-art machine learning trained with hundreds of thousands of statements from numerous processors to identify, categorize, and normalize the field names that exist on revenue statements. We then run verification routines and independently compute calculated values to ensure that the AI is accurate AND your statements have been calculated correctly.


How does AEGIS ensure my data is protected while using AI?  


Your data is always private and protected. While it is true that data shared with some AI software can be public (like when you ask ChatGPT a question), AEGIS uses a proven, private, scalable AI solution that ensures your data remains secure, exclusive to your company, and never exists publicly.


What makes AEGIS’s Revenue Capture solution superior to other solutions? 


The nearest alternate solutions commonly utilize free tools and PDF scrapers, which break frequently, are less accurate, very slow, and require constant updates to stay operational. Instead, AEGIS uses advanced machine learning that continuously improves with each statement, enhancing accuracy and insights over time.


How long does it take to get started? 


Implementations are very quick. You can expect to be “live” and getting the benefits of the solution within 48 hours of signing up, and in many cases even faster.


How does AEGIS leverage API connectivity?


We leverage API connectivity to streamline data integration. You can seamlessly sync or pull information between our system and other relevant platforms or spreadsheet models in real time.

