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Last Look - Oil rises amid Iran sanction, still sets third straight weekly drop
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Last Look - Oil rises amid Iran sanction, still sets third straight weekly drop
Effectively Manage Ags and Soft Commodity Exposures in one CTRM
Grains | Oilseeds | Livestock | Dairy | Fertilizer | Lumber and Softs

Agricultural and Soft Commodities face unique challenges, in an environment where risks and volatility can hit from many angles, simultaneously. 


Make data-driven decisions to manage your position visibility and risk

The AEGIS CTRM provides visibility, risk mitigation, and compliance all in one connected view to drive predictability and profitability. Commodity trading and risk management software for companies manufacturing, trading, transporting, or storing agricultural products. 



Agricultural futures and options

Simulate pricing and trade scenarios to make fully informed data-driven decisions. Capture, track, verify your physical and financial trades and configure your positions, exposures, and risks in a connected view - all within the AEGIS CTRM.


Helping companies mitigate agriculture and soft commodity price risk through our intelligent CTRM platform.

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