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First Look - Asian crude buyers deal with fallout of US sanctions
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First Look - Asian crude buyers deal with fallout of US sanctions

We Can Help You Navigate Your CEQA Obligations


Managing your emissions impacts under CEQA can be expensive and bring your project to a grinding halt.

By engaging early in the CEQA process, our team can help keep your project moving and reduce costs by up to 75% or more.

Find Out How


We use more than 10 years of experience in CEQA emissions mitigation to help our clients achieve:

Timely Approval

CEQA compliance can be a complex and time-consuming process, and the review alone can result in delays and increased costs for projects. By engaging early in the CEQA process, our team can help you keep mitigation commitments flexible and shorten approval timelines. 

Minimized Costs

Agency-recommended mitigation measures are often prohibitively expensive and can even lead to project delays and cancellations. Our team is incentivized to help find the most cost-effective mitigation strategy, which frequently reduces mitigation costs by 75% or more.

Confirmed Compliance

You are required to quantify your environmental impact with a detailed plan. This can be cumbersome, costly, and cause unexpected delays. Our team can keep your project moving while fulfilling your CEQA obligations in a fully compliant manner.

An initial study must be used to determine the effect a project will have on the following 18 environmental factors identified by the CEQA checklist.

Agriculture & Forestry
Air Quality
Bio Resources
Cultural Resources
Hazardous Materials
Water Quality
Land Use and Planning
Mineral Resources
Public Services
Tribal Resources


For each of the 18 factors, the effects may range from no impact to potentially significant impact. Different processes are triggered depending on the category and the intensity range of the impact. 

Keep your projects moving forward; let our team help.

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