Commodity Markets / Agriculture Hedge Agricultural Product Price ExposuresPrice volatility in agricultural, dairy, and grain markets can significantly impact your cash flow, returns, and margins, ultimately affecting your earnings per share (EPS). Implementing hedging strategies can help manage this risk and ensure you're better positioned for the future.Common hedgeable agricultural products: Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Dairy, Grains & Oilseeds, Livestock, Lumber, Rubber and Sugar. | |
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Case Study
Dairy Cooperative Replaces Antiquated System with AEGIS Platform
A leading dairy cooperative was utilizing an antiquated risk system that was expensive, difficult to maintain and much of the processing was done manually outside the system in error-prone spreadsheets. AEGIS was able to bring their costs down significantly while providing more capabilities inside the AEGIS platform on newer technology. The coop is now integrated directly with its brokers and can manage trades across multiple broker accounts.
Spreadsheets weren't built for managing your hedges.
Our software was.
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